Roky Bacchus


16×20 canvas acrylics
large decorative frame


Roky Erickson, Rock-n-Roll God of Ecstasy

Shortly after the death of Austin music icon Roky Erickson i painted this homage to our hometown hero depicting him as forever young and inviting the viewer to join him in sacraments of ecstasy. As you many know, Roky Erickson’s band The 13th Floor Elevators were the very first group ever to describe their music as “psychedelic,” featuring electric guitars, drums, and a weird synthesized jug.

Emulating Chiaroscuro style of Caravaggio

Often i attempt to emulate the styles of other artists, both to expand my skills and to broaden my perspectives.   In Rocky Bacchus i have turned to to oil paintings of Caravaggio, in particular his “Bacchus” painting, while interpolating the face of young Roky Erickson in his psychedelic prime, along with many features which distinguish the figure as Roky: a Texas flag in the dark background, a Gibson guitar, a jug marked both in Greek letters & Roman numerals, a basket of natural ecstatic sacraments, and a lit hand-rolled cigarette. 

Decorative Frame

This painting features an ornate silver-colored wooden frame, for elegant display.

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