12×14 acrylic on canvas; wired black frame
The Central Texas Hill Country around Austin is graced with many wineries visited by locals and wine tourists.
Central Texas is a destination spot for wine tourism. We have friends who work at some of these wineries and it is always fun to visit and sample the handcrafted local wares. Another attraction is learning about the process of making wine, including how the grapes are pressed. Today, there are big machines that press the sweet juices from the ripe grapes. The grape juice makes a sugary liquid meal for yeast to digest, which then expel alcohol to make the wine we love to drink. However, the grape juices were once pressed by lovely and strong women with their own bare feet, and i imagine some of them held their children while working. This twenty-first century central Texas wine tourist is enjoying getting back to basics with the wine process and her lovely daughter enjoys the ride.
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